• Question: Have you found out about any interesting facts about the things you do?

    Asked by nilima to SallyB on 14 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Sally Barber

      Sally Barber answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      Almost everyday I learn something new which amazes me about the human body. I am starting a project on dementia (loss of brain function) at the moment and i read this fact…

      If we lined up all of the neurons in our body (neurons are the nerve cells that transmit electrical and chemical signals around our body) they would stretch from London to Zurich in Switzaland (600 miles!)

      I noticed on your profile that you want to be a doctor and a scientists. I work with a few medical doctors who also spend sometime doing research and they always say how much the enjoy the variety of doing a bit of both. I teach as well as do my research and I love having different things to do each day, it really keeps me focused and means that i don’t get bored of one particular thing.
