• Question: i think as myself as a very sporty person, i do gym, divin and trampolining 5 days a week, but i dont think im eatin the right food, can u please tell me what food i sld b eatin and how much healthy and junk food as well and how much per day,, because i think i need 2 go on a diet... this cld really change me life :)) ??

    Asked by cherrypop to Pete, Rebecca, SallyB, Sally, Sian on 21 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Sally Fenton

      Sally Fenton answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      you should make sure you have a fairly balanced diet. Carbohydrates give you the energy you need to do the activity (bread, pasta,rice etc.) and protiens (meat, fish, eggs, nuts etc.) help to build and strengthen your muscles. It is normally better to eat carbohydrate before exercise and protein after.

      You are still growing so I don’t think you will need to go on a diet…just eat a healthy and balanced diet and keep junk food to a sensible amount (it’s not very healthy to go and have a MacDonalds every day!). Maybe it would be worth asking your trampoline coach as they will know exactly how much exercise you are doing and what your body needs to make sure you are performing your best!

    • Photo: Sian Lawson

      Sian Lawson answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      Eat whenever you’re hungry, until you don’t feel hungry, then stop.

      I dieted when I was still growing and as a result I’m really short now! Now I’ll never have the long legs that I need to be really good at sport, whereas I have the rest of my life to be slim.

    • Photo: Peter Styring

      Peter Styring answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      The best thing to do is join a sports club who has a nutritionalist. It’s all about balancing the different food groups. Try to get hold of a book called the Young Athlete’s Handbook as it has some great info. You need protein for muscles, carbs for stamina, water and isotonic fluids for hydration. Avoid junk food, mainly because of the salt. I am NOT an expert so get some advice from someone in the sport.

    • Photo: Rebecca Randell

      Rebecca Randell answered on 20 Jun 2010:

      Hi thanks for the question. It sounds like you are very active therefore its seems unlikely that you need to go on a diet. You need food to make sure you have enough energy to do all your sports. You need a healthy balanced diet containing carbohydrates for energy (bread, pasta, potatoes), protein for muscle repair (chicken, beef, cheese, eggs) and fat for energy. You also need to make sure that you eat your fruit and vegetables as they contain important vitamins and minerals. Also, junk is ok to eat if eaten in moderation and not every day. You are still growing, young and active therefore you shouldn’t be worrying about what foods to eat and going on a diet!!

    • Photo: Sally Barber

      Sally Barber answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Firstly it’s great that you are so active, well done! It is also important to eat a balanced diet. There is something called the “eat well plate” which is a model of a balanced diet. You can see a picture of it if you follow this link… http://www.eatwell.gov.uk/healthydiet/eatwellplate/

      this is a great website to get loads of information about eating a healthy diet.
