• Question: Is it possible to eat to many healthy foods?!... =)

    Asked by gilly to Pete, Rebecca, SallyB, Sally, Sian on 21 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Peter Styring

      Peter Styring answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Yes! Food is energy so you need to supply the body with enough energy so that it functions. Too much food is too much energy so the body either excretes it or stores it as fat. It’s possible to eat too much rubbish at much lower intakes though.

    • Photo: Sally Barber

      Sally Barber answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Yes. Our body only need a certain amount of calories a day to provided the energy for us to live and carry out all of the activities that we want to do. If you eat too many calories (even if they come from healthy foods) your body will beging to store the excess calories as fat. It’s important that you diet is balanced too, your body needs nutrients from all of the food groups (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fibre, vitamins and minerals).

    • Photo: Rebecca Randell

      Rebecca Randell answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Everything is healthy in moderation. It is all about having a balanced diet. Eating a lot of fruit can upset your stomach so be careful with eating loads and loads of fruit

    • Photo: Sally Fenton

      Sally Fenton answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      You should always make sure you have a balanced diet and get the amount of protein, fat and sugar your body needs. So if you over do it on the health foods you might risk not getting enough of something else in your diet.
