• Question: What do you enjoy about being a scientist?

    Asked by nilima to Sally, Rebecca, Pete, SallyB, Sian on 19 Jun 2010 in Categories: . This question was also asked by tango4eva, emonkeyj, emz01, lcjp, samm, daniellej.
    • Photo: Sally Fenton

      Sally Fenton answered on 13 Jun 2010:

      I enjoy learning new things and challenging myself…everyday I have to teach myself something new so it makes my job varied and exciting…I never get bored! I also like the fact that I get to help people. All my research is focused towards helping people (particularly youn people) live happier and healthy lives…so when you find something out which can be used to help people to do this it is very rewarding!

    • Photo: Sian Lawson

      Sian Lawson answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      I get a kick out of being an expert, and making other people into experts. I like the constant learning and the variety, and the freedom of being independant – working on what I want, when I want. I get to pick my favourite subject, and then become the world’s leading expert on it for a living, whilst still feeling that I’m doing something that’s genuinely worthwhile.

      I also really like the teaching, but don’t tell anyone or I’ll get loads!

    • Photo: Peter Styring

      Peter Styring answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      It’s great. I get to meet loads of people and travel the world. I also get to study things that interest me.

    • Photo: Rebecca Randell

      Rebecca Randell answered on 19 Jun 2010:

      I enjoy the flexibility and that everything you do is your own ideas- this makes it really exciting especially if you find something great then it was all because of the work you did!!!

    • Photo: Sally Barber

      Sally Barber answered on 19 Jun 2010:

      There are some great things about being a scientists… I can chose when I work and what I work on. Sometimes I feel very productive and can work from early in the morning til late at night, other times I feel like i’m not getting anywhere with my work so stop work for the day and do something else. There is also loads of variety in my work, i have 4 different projects on the go at the moment so if i get stuck with one, i can leave it for a while and work on another. My job involves a lot of reading, writing, thinking of new idea, doing experiments, using equipment to measure different things about the body and meeting lots of other scientists, medical professionals and members of the public. I love meeting new people so this is a really great part about my job. Also I hope that my work will make a difference to the world that we live in and it’s great to be able to make a difference to peoples lives!
