• Question: What makes your ideas different and more benificial to everything else in the world today?

    Asked by newton to Pete, Rebecca, SallyB, Sally, Sian on 20 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Sian Lawson

      Sian Lawson answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      If we can understand how muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments work, and how movement affects them and how they are affected by movement, we won’t just be better at sports. We’ll be healthier and more mobile for longer, and regain mobility quicker after accidents. This work can reduce age-related degeneration, improve rehabilitation and optimise medical interventions.

      Your ability to move underpins your ability to walk, use your hands, even see and speak. That is a lot at stake.

    • Photo: Peter Styring

      Peter Styring answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      I think my ideas are just part of a big puzzle. There are many things more beneficial being done in research, and certainly many less! When you do research you think yours is the most important as you are so close to it.

    • Photo: Sally Fenton

      Sally Fenton answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      I don’t think I can really say that my work will be more beneficial…but I think it will be beneficial in way which is different to perhaps cancer research or something like that.

      The research I am doing is all about how we can help young people stay fit and healthy…and make sure they keep this up as they get older. People who are fit, healthy and active are at a lower risk of developing life threatening illness such as cancer and heart disease.

      Therefore the research I am doing is different to a lot of other research because it is looking at ways in which we can prevent people becoming ill in the first place…rather than looking at ways to cure it once it has happened! If we can reduce the risk of people becoming ill just by trying to make sure they are active and eat properly at a young age… and that they take these habits with them into adulthood…then I think this will be a huge benefit of my research :).

    • Photo: Rebecca Randell

      Rebecca Randell answered on 20 Jun 2010:

      I am trying to find ways to increase energy expenditure in adults so that people are at a normal healthy weight. Our country spends a lot of money on trying to help people lose weight and being overweight can lead to a lot of other health problems such as problems with peoples heart. If we can find ways to help people lose weight or stop people gaining weight then this is good for everyone. That is what i am trying to do. I am trying to use different “natural” foods to help with weight loss
